The company

The CiANCIULLI coach company, a passenger transport company based in Menton in the Maritime Alps.

On the côte d’Azur as in the surrounding countryside, the Mercantour Park, The Alps or Provence, the Cianciulli coach company can provide a service and solutions in passenger transportation on an occassional or regular basis.

A family sized company providing adaptability and professionalism.

A permanent service 24h/day and 7days/week, guarantees efficiency and reactivity.

Advice on your schedule and program enabling you to obtain the best solutions at the most competitive prices.

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AUTOCARS CIANCIULLI, a dynamic and qualified team offering :

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✓ A warm welcome to our clients

The courtesy of our chauffeurs, the cleanliness and maintenance of our vehicules, client information.
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✓ Gentle driving

Careful manoeuvring, reduced motor noises, mindful driving attitude…

autocariste côte d'azur

✓ Safety and security

Limited driving time, daily mechanical checks…


✓ Professionalism

Commercial approach and attitude, close attention paid to passengers, “well-being” during their voyage…
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